Kirsi Helkala
Currently, I am a professor at the Norwegian Defence Cyber Academy, Cyberingeniørskolen (called earlier Forsvarets Ingeniørshøgskole). Norwegian Defence Cyber Academy is part of the Norwegian Defence University College. I have also worked as a research professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) during September 2020 - December 2023. Earlier I have worked at Gjøvik University College, that is now part of NTNU. I hold a Master of Science degree in mathematics from the University of Joensuu, Finland and a PhD within information security from the University of Oslo, Norway (PhD dissertation: Authentication in Health Services). I teach mathematics and supervise information and cyber security related student workshops, term papers and thesis. My research interest lays on human factor in cyber security.
You reach me best by emailing me to kirsi.helkala @ or khelkala @
Koskaan ei tiedä mitä edestään löytää: Suomalaisesta matematiikan opettajasta kyberturvallisuuden professoriksi Norjan puolustusvoimille. Itä-Suomen yliopiston alumniwebinaari. 05.02.25. Yliopistoyhteisö. Itä-Suomen yliopiston alumniwebinaari | Itä-Suomen yliopisto
Raymond Hagen, Lasse Øverlier and Kirsi Helkala. The Role of Custom Scripting in APT Incident Response. In the proceedings of Norwegian Information Security Conference, NISK24. Link: View of The Role of Custom Scripting in APT Incident Response
Øfsteng, SF, Hammarström, D, Knox, S, Jøsok, Ø, Helkala, K, Koll, L, Hanestadhaugen, M, Raastad, T, Rønnestad, BR, and Ellefsen, S. (2024). Superiority of High-Load vs. Low-Load Resistance Training in Military Cadets. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 38(9):p 1584-1595, September 2024.
Raymond Andre Hagen and Kirsi Helkala (2024). Complexity of Contemporary Indicators of Compromise. In Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security. Vol. 23 Nr. 1.
Knut Østby, Kirsi Helkala, and Ole Joachim Aasen. (2024). Educating New Military Leaders to be Robust against Influence Operations: A Case Study. In Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security. Vol. 23 Nr. 1.
Arwa Binsedeeq, Steven Furnell, Kirsi Helkala, Naomi Woods, Darren Chadwick, Chris Fullwood, Xavier Carpent, and Nicolas Gervassis. (2024). Assessing the Cybersecurity Needs and Experiences of Disabled Users. IFIP International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance, Canterbury, United Kingdom 9-11 July 2024 ( Link:
Jin, T., & Helkala, K. (2024). Can I eat melted-frozen-melted bread?: Use of practical assignments to harmonize mathematics and STEM courses and as a measure for future technology studies. European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, 5(2), 81-91.
Kirsi Helkala og Henrik Syse. (2024) Etiske prinsipper for KI i cyberoperasjoner. I Vivi Ringnes Berrefjord og Mass Soldal Lund (red.). Cybermakt. En tverrfaglig innføring. s. 270-286. Universitetsforlaget
Cyberoperasjoner og etikk. Faglig presentasjon ved Security Champions fagsamlig for NRK-ansatte. Online, 26.08.24.
Cyber operations and ethics. Guest lecture. Juridisk fakultet, Bergen Universitet, 23.08.2024.
Alumnitarina: Kirsi Helkala. 25.05.2024. Yliopistoyhteisö. Alumnitarina: Kirsi Helkala | Itä-Suomen yliopisto (
Vikmoen, Olav; Teien, Hilde Kristin; Tansø, Rita; Aandstad, Anders; Lander, Elise; Cumming, Kristoffer T.; Ellefsen, Stian; Helkala, Kirsi; Raastad, Truls. The Effects of a 10-day Military Field Exercise on Body Composition, Physical Performance, and Muscle Cells in Men and Women. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise ():10.1249/MSS.0000000000003340, November 14, 2023. | DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000003340
Lars Berg, Kirsi Helkala & André Årnes. Legal Considerations on Gray Zone Operations – From a Norwegian Perspective. In: Fritsch, L., Hassan, I., Paintsil, E. (eds) Secure IT Systems. NordSec 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14324. Springer, Cham.
Helkala KM, Lucas G, Barrett E and Syse H (2023) Editorial: Ethical challenges in AI-enhanced military operations. Front. Big Data 6:1229252. doi: 10.3389/fdata.2023.1229252 ( )
Tonje Jin and Kirsi Helkala. Practical assignments to harmonize mathematics and STEM courses in engineering education. MNT-konferansen 2023, 16.-17.03.2023 Stavanger. Paper to be found on p.248-252 on proceedings: Trykt utgave konferansebidrag MNT-konfernansen.pdf (
KI etikk og cyberoperasjoner. FFI intern seminar 15.11.2023, Moss, Norge.
Automated Disinformation Campaigns. Pacem in Terris: War and other Obstacles to Peace conferance in Vatican 19.-20.09.2023. ;
Desinformajon og ChatGPT. Ethical Aspects of Digital Competence in the Norwegian Defense Sector-seminaret i Oslo 06.09.2023.
Accessible authentication – a current status. PasswordsCon Conferense i Bergen 15.-16.05.2023.
Etiske utfordringer ved bruk av kunstig intelligens i cyberoperasjoner. Matpauseseminar ved Høgskolen i Innlandet 19.04.2023.
Sides of political attention in social media - cybersecurity perspective. Workshop: Political Attention: Policies and Strategies 09.-10.03.23, Oslo.
Editor for an E-book called Ethical Challenges in AI-enhanced Military Operations.
Tonje Jin and Kirsi Helkala. An On-Campus Approach to Online Mathematics Teaching: A Case Study on a Pre-Calculus Course. European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, Volume 3, Issue 2, 191 - 207, 2022.
Helkala, K., Cook, J., Lucas, G., Pasquale, F., Reichberg, G., Syse, H. (2023). AI in Cyber Operations: Ethical and Legal Considerations for End-Users. In: Sipola, T., Kokkonen, T., Karjalainen, M. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. Springer, Cham.
Helkala, K.M., Rønnfeldt, C.F. (2022). Understanding and Gaining Human Resilience Against Negative Effects of Digitalization. In: Lehto, M., Neittaanmäki, P. (eds) Cyber Security. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, vol 56. Springer, Cham.
Warring with machines - cyberoperasjoner. Politiets IT-enhets intern seminar 27.10.22, Lillehammer.
Hvordan beskytte individet mot påvirkning? Påvirkningskonferansen 30.08.22, Litteraturhuset, Oslo.
Topic Editor in Ethical Challenges in AI-enhanced Military Operations.
Truls Fismen, Andreas Reiming og Kirsi Helkala. Elektronisk personellkontroll-system for Marinen. The 14th Norwegian Information Security Conference, NISK 21, 29.11-2.12.2021, Trondheim. Link to proceedings.
Steven Furnell, Kirsi Helkala, Naomi Woods. Accessible authentication: Assessing the applicability for users with disabilities. Computers & Security. Available
Ummaneni, Ravindra Babu; Helkala, Kirsi Marjaana; Bunde, Geir Arne. Integration of electronic warfare in engineering education. Presented in the Annual conference of International Society of Military Sciences; Kingston, Canada, 2021-10-11 - 2021-10-14.
Vikmoen, O., Teien, H.K., Aandstad, A., Lander, E., Cumming, K.T., Helkala, K., Raastad, T. Sex differences in changes in body composition, physical performance, and muscle fibers after a strenuous military field exercise. Presented in ECSS Virtual Congress 11.09.21. AID: 11534/376.
Steven Furnell, Kirsi Helkala and Naomi Woods. Disadvantaged by Disability: Examining the Accessibility of Cyber Security. In: Antona M., Stephanidis C. (eds) Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design Methods and User Experience. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12768. Springer, Cham.
Benjamin James Knox Ricardo Gregorio Lugo Kirsi Marjaana Helkala og Stefan Sütterlin. Slow Education and Cognitive Agility: Improving Military Cyber Cadet Cognitive Performance for Better Governance of Cyberpower. PRINT 2. In Research Anthology on Military and Defense Applications, Utilization, Education, and Ethics, IGI Global, 2021.
Speaker in Seminars, Workshops, Conferences without proceedings:
Hybride trusler - hybrid forsvar: Menneske som første linje. NTNU CCIS kurstilbud eksklusivt for KiNS-medlemmer i cyber- og informasjonssikkerhet. (Sammen med Nils Kalstad.)
Anders Fongen, Kirsi Helkala and MassSoldal Lund, Trust Through Origin and Integrity: Protection of Client Code for Improved Cloud Security, IARIA Securware 2020, 21-25 November 2020, Valencia Spain
Kirsi Helkala and Carsten Rønnefelt, Human resilience against negative effects of digitalization. International Society of Military Sciences, Helsinki 13-29 October 2020.
Kirsi Helkala, Hvorfor bør bi bry oss om cyber? Forposten 2020 #1, pp. 16-19, Kadettsamfundet Krigsskolen.
Sjur Johansen Øfsteng, Ina Garthe, Øyvind Jøsok, Silje Knox, Kirsi Marjaana Helkala, Benjamin James Knox, Stian Ellefsen and Bent Rønnestad. No effect of increasing protein intake during military exercise with severe energy deficit on body composition and performance. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.
Speaker in Seminars, Workshops, Conferences without proceedings:
Hybride trusler - hybrid forsvar: Menneske som første linje. Utdanningspakke i "Digitalisering and cybersikkerhet"-kurs for GCE Blue Maritime.
Hybride trusler - hybrid forsvar: Menneske som første linje. Utdanningspakke i "Digital sikkerhet og min nye arbeidshverdag" -kurs. Kompetansehevende tiltak for ledige og permitterte som følge av Covid-19.
Terhi Kaarakka, Kirsi Helkala, Antti Valmari and Marjukka Joutsenlahti. Pedagogical experiments with MathCheck in university teaching. In LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education, pp. 84-111, University of Helsinki, Finland / LUMA Centre Finland.
Øyvind Jøsok, Richardo Lugo, Benjamin J. Knox, Stefan Sütterlin and Kirsi Helkala. Self-regulation and cognitive agility in cyber operations. In Frontiers in Psychology.
E. Lander, O. Vikmoen, H. Teien, K. Helkala and T. Raastad. Sex differences in muscle function and myocellular response to a strenuous military field exercise. Presented in 24th annual ECSS Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 3rd-6th of July, 2019.
Ricardo Gregorio Lugo Andrea Firth-Clark Benjamin James Knox Øyvind Jøsok Kirsi Marjaana Helkala og Stefan Sütterlin. Cognitive Profiles and Education of Female Cyber Defence Operators. In D. D. Schmorrow and C. M. Fidopiastis (Eds.): HCII 2019, LNAI 11580, pp. 563–572, 2019.
Benjamin James Knox Ricardo Gregorio Lugo Kirsi Marjaana Helkala og Stefan Sütterlin. Slow Education and Cognitive Agility: Improving Military Cyber Cadet Cognitive Performance for Better Governance of Cyberpower. International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT), Volume 9, Issuer 1, Article 4. IGI Global, 2019.
Helkala, Kirsi. Hybrid trussel-hybrid forsvar. Norsk Militært Tidsskrift 18 nr. 4, s. 15-20.
Knox, Benjamin James; Jøsok, Øyvind; Helkala, Kirsi Marjaana; Khooshabeh, Peter; Ødegaard, Terje; Lugo, Ricardo; Sütterlin, Stefan. Socio-technical communication: The Hybrid Space and the OLB-Model for science-based cyber education. Military Psychology 2018, Vol. 30, issue 3, p. 350-359.
Øyvind Jøsok, Mathias Hedberg, Benjamin J. Knox, Stefan Sütterlin, Kirsi Helkala, and Ric Lugo. Development and application of The Hybrid Space app for measuring cognitive focus in hybrid contexts. In the HCII2018 Conference Proceedings by Springer. 15-20 July, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Ricardo Lugo, Stefan Sütterlin, Øyvind Jøsok, Benjamin J. Knox and Kirsi Helkala. Macrocognitive approaches on Cyber Performance. Poster in HCII2018 Conference 15-20 July, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Stefan Sütterlin, Ricardo Lugo, Kirsi Helkala, Benjamin J. Knox, Øyvind Jøsok and Andrea Firth Clark. An adaptation of the OODA-loop model in cyber operations: Implications for communication and treaining in a Hybrid Space. Poster in HCII2018 Conference 15-20 July, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Ricardo Lugo, Stefan Sütterlin, Kirsi Helkala, Benjamin J. Knox, Øyvind Jøsok, Andrea Firth Clark and Stian Iversen. Cognitive Styles of Cyber Engineers - A Cross Cultural Comparison. Poster in HCII2018 Conference 15-20 July, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Benjamin J. Knox, Ricardo G. Lugo, Kirsi Helkala, Stefan Sütterlin and Øyvind Jøsok. Education for Cognitive Agility: Improved Understanding and Governance of Cyberpower. In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, 28.-29.6.2018, Oslo, Norway.
Odd Sveinung Hareide, Øyvind Jøsok, Mass Soldal Lund, Runar Ostnes and Kirsi Helkala. Enhancing Navigator Competence by Demonstrating Maritime Cyber Security. Journal of Navigation. Vol. 71, Iss. 5, pp:1025-1039. Cambridge Press. 2018.
Topic editor for Mastering Cyberpower: Cognitive Sciences and The Human Factor in Civilian and Military Cyber Security, Frontiers.
Topic editor for Mastering Cyberpower: Cognitive Sciences and The Human Factor in Civilian and Military Cyber Security, Frontiers.
Kirsi Helkala, Benjamin J. Knox, Øyvind Jøsok, Rigardo G. Lugo, Stefan Sütterlin, Geir Olav Dyrkolbotn and Nils Kalstad Svendsen. Supporting the Human in Cyber Defence. Presented in the 3rd Workshop on the Security of Industrial Control Systems & of Cyber-Physical Systems (CyberICPS 2017) in conjunction with ESORICS 2017 15.9.2017. In: Katsikas S. et al. (eds) Computer Security. CyberICPS 2017, SECPRE 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10683. Springer, Cham.
Rigardo G. Lugo, Stefan Sütterlin, Kirsi Helkala, Benjamin J. Knox, Øyvind Jøsok, and Natalie M. Lande. Interoceptive sensitivity as a proxy for emotional intensity and its relation to perseverative cognition. In Psychology Research and Behavior Management, Dove Medical Press, DOI:
Øyvind Jøsok, Benjamin J. Knox, Kirsi Helkala, Kyle Wilson, Stefan Sutterlin, Ricardo Lugo, and Terje Ødegaard. Macro cognition applied to The Hybrid Space: Team environment, functions and processes in cyber operations. Foundations of Augmented Cognition. Enhancing Cognition and Behavior in Complex Human Environments - 11th International Conference AC 2017, Held as part of HCI International 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 9-14, 2017, Proceedings, LNCS, volume 10285, pp 486-500.
Benjamin J. Knox, Ricardo Lugo, Øyvind Jøsok, Kirsi Helkala, Stefan Sutterlin. Towards a Cognitive Agility Index (CAI): The Role of Metacognition in Human Computer Interaction. In HCI International 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 9-14, 2017 – Posters' Extended Abstracts, eds. Constantine Stephanidis, published in CCIS 713 by Springer.
Øfsteng, S., Rønnestad BR., Jøsok, Ø., Helkala, K., Knox, S., Knox, B., Ellefsen, S., and Garthe, I.. Effects of high vs. moderate protein intake during a 10-days military exercise with energy deficit on muscular performance. Oral presentation/Abstract in 22st annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, ECSS, 5.-8.7.2017, Ruhr, Germany.
Ricardo G. Lugo, Prosper Kwei-Nahr, Øyvind Jøsok, Benjamin J. Knox, Kirsi Helkala and Stefan Sütterlin , Team Workload Demands influence Cyber Detection Performance. Poster presentation to the 13th International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM13), 20-23 June 2017, University of Bath.
Ricardo G. Lugo, Stefan Sütterlin, Benjamin J. Knox, Øyvind Jøsok, Kirsi Helkala, and Natalie Marie Lande. The moderating influence of self-efficacy on interoceptive ability and counterintuitive decision making in officer cadets. Journal of Military Studies, Vol.71, Iss. 1, pp.44-52. ISSN (Online) 1799-3350, DOI:, January 2017.
Jøsok Øyvind, Knox Benjamin J., Helkala Kirsi, Lugo Ricardo G., Sütterlin Steffan, and Ward, Paul. Exploring the Hybrid Space - Theoretical framework applying cognitive science in military cyberspace operations. Foundations of Augmented Cognition: Neuroergonomics and Operational Neuroscience - 10th International Conference, AC 2016, Held as Part of HCI International 2016, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 17-22, 2016, Proceedings, Part II. LNCS Vol. 9744, pp 178-188. Paper.
Rønnestad, BR., Øfsteng, S., Knox, S.,, Hammarström, D., Helkala, K., Knox, B., Jøsok, Ø., Hollan, I. and Ellefsen, S. Strength training: 10 RM vs 30 RM – training load does matter. Oral presentation/Abstract in 21st annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, ECSS, 6.-9.7.2016, Vienna, Austria. Abstract.
Kirsi Helkala, Benjamin Knox, Øyvind Jøsok, Ricardo Lugo and Stefan Sütterlin. How Coping Strategies Influence Cyber Task Performance in the Hybrid Space. In Proceedings of the HCI International 2016 – Posters' Extended Abstracts. Communications in Computer and Information Science Vol. 617 pp 192-196 and in the poster presentation in the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 17-22, 2016. Paper.
Ricardo G. Lugo, Stefan Sütterlin, Kirsi Helkala, Benjamin J. Knox, Øyvind Jøsok and Natalie Marie Lande. Populating the Hybrid Space: Self-efficacy and intuitive decision-making. Poster presentation in the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 17-22, 2016.
Kirsi Helkala, Benjamin Knox, Øyvind Jøsok, Silje Knox and Mass Lund. Factors to Affect Improvement in Cyber Officer Performance. Information and Computer Security, Vol. 24, Iss:2, 2016. Emerald. Paper.
2015 and older
Kirsi Helkala, Benjamin Knox and Øyvind Jøsok. How the Application of Coping Strategies Can Empower Learning. In Proceedings of Frontiers in Education 2015, 21.-24. October, El Paso, Texas. Paper.
Kirsi Helkala, Silje Knox and Mass Lund. Effect of motivation and physical fitness on cyber tasks. In Proceedings of HAISA 2015, 1.-3. July, Lesvos, Greece.
Speaker in Seminars, Workshops, Conferences without proceedings:
HAISA Panel, 2.7.2015, Lesvos, Greece
University of Jyväskylä, 6.2.2015, Finland
Kirsi Helkala. Effect of password sentences with emotional content. In proceedings of the Norwegian Information Security Conference Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse, NISK 2014; Østfold University college, Stavanger; 17-19 November 2014. Paper in pdf.
Kirsi Helkala and Tone H. Bakås. Extended Results of Norwegian Password Security Survey. Journal of Infomation Management and Computer Security, vol. 22, Issue 4, 2014.
Kirsi Helkala. Usability and Security of Today's Passwords. Digma 2013.4 p. 138-143.
Kirsi Helkala and Nils Kalstad Svendsen. Analysis of Norway's Cyber and Information Security Strategy. In proceedings of the Norwegian Information Security Conference Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse, NISK 2013; University of Stavanger, Stavanger; 19-21 November 2013: Akademika forlag.
Kirsi Helkala and Tone H. Bakås. National Password Security Survey: Results. In Proceedings of the European Information Security Multi-Conference (EISMC 2013), Lisbon, Portugal, 8-9 May 2013, p. 23-33, University of Plymouth Press.
Einar Krokan and Kirsi Helkala. Alternative PIN Entry Method. In proceedings of the Norwegian Information Security Conference Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse, NISK 2012; University of Nordland, Bodø; 19-21 November 2012: Akademika forlag.
Kirsi Helkala, Nils Kalstad Svendsen, Per Thorsheim and Anders Wiehe. Cracking Associative Passwords. In LNCS, vol.7617, Secure IT Systems: 17th Nordic Conference, NordSec 2012, Karlskrona, Sweden, October 31 – November 2, 2012. Proceedings: Springer, p. 153-168.
Kirsi Helkala. Disabilities and Authentication Methods: Usability and Security. In FARES12 workshop. In proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2012), FARES Workshop, pp. 327-334, IEEE Computer Society 2012
Kirsi Helkala and Nils Kalstad Svendsen. The Security and Memorability of Passwords Generated by Using an Association Element and a Personal Factor. In proceedings of NordSec 2011 and LNCS 7161, pp.114-130. Springer, Heidelberg, 2012.
Kirsi Helkala. Password Education Based on Guidelines Tailored to Different Password Categories. Journal of Computers, Vol. 6, Nr 5, Academy Publisher, Finland, 2011
Kirsi Helkala and Einar Snekkenes. Password Generation and Search Space Reduction. Journal of Computers, Vol. 4, Issue 7, pp. 663-669, Academy Publisher, Finland, 2009
Kirsi Helkala and Einar Snekkenes. Formalizing the Ranking of Authentication Products. Information Management & Computer Security - Special Issue, Vol. 17, Issue 1, pp. 30-43, Emerald, 2009
Kirsi Helkala. An Educational Tool for Password Quality Measurements. In Proceedings of Norwegian Information Security Conference (Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetkonferanse) (NISK2008 ) , pp. 69-80, Tapir Akademisk Forlag, 2008
Patrick Bours and Kirsi Helkala. Face Recognition Using Separate Layers of the RGB Image. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Special Session on Biometrics - From Sensors to Standardization, August 15-17, 2008, Harbin, China, pp. 1035-1042, IEEE Press, 2008
Kirsi Helkala and Einar Snekkenes. A Method for Ranking Authentication Products. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2008), July 8-9, Plymount, UK, pp. 80-93, 2008
Kirsi Helkala. Authentication in Norwegian Health Services. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, Turkey ’07, 2007
Davrondzhon Gafurov, Kirsi Helkala, and Torkjel Søndrol. Gait Recognition Using Acceleration from MEMS. In Proceedings of The First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2006), pp. 432-439, 2006
Davrondzhon Gafurov, Kirsi Helkala, and Torkjel Søndrol. Biometric Gait Authentication Using Accelerometer Sensor. Journal of Computers Vol.1, Issue 7, 2006
Davrondzhon Gafurov, Kirsi Helkala, and Nils Kalstad Svendsen. Security Models for Electronic Medical Records. Telektronikk, 101 (1), 2005
Speaker in Seminars, Workshops, Conferences without proceedings:
Password^12, 3.-5.12.2012, Oslo, Norway
Lauritsalan Rotary Club, 24.10.2012, Lappeenranta, Finland
Password^11, 7-8.6.2011, Bergen, Norway
e-Me fagseminar, 23.3.2011, Oslo, Norway
Security Divas, 20.-21.1.2011, Gjøvik, Norway
Password^10, 8-9.12.2010, Bergen, Norway